class: title 5CCYB041 # OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING ### Week 3, session 2 ## more on C++ classes --- # Picking up where we left off We continue working on our [DNA shotgun sequencing project]( You can find the most up to date version in [the project's `solution/` folder]( .explain-bottom[ Make sure your code is up to date now! ] --- name: constructor # Class construction and destruction With classes, we can define actions to take when creating an instance, and when destroying an instance - using the [*constructor(s)*]( and [*destructor*]( -- Constructors are used to ensure all members are initialised to sensible defaults - for example, by default, `std::string` & `std::vector` both have size zero - our `ShotgunSequencer` class has a default minimum overlap size of 10 bases -- The constructor runs immediately after the memory to hold our instance has been allocated - but before any of our variables have been initialised -- In our previous example, we did not provide any constructors - in this case, the compiler automatically generates an *implicit default constructor* --- # The *implicit* default constructor The [default constructor]( is used to construct an instance when no additional arguments are provided: ``` std::string s; // ⇐ invokes default constructor ShotgunSequencer solver; // ⇐ invokes (implicit) default constructor ``` -- If no constructor is provided, the compiler will automatically generate an *implicit* default constructor for us - this will invoke the default constructor for each of the member variables in turn - in the same order as declared in the class -- Our `m_sequence` and `m_fragments` variables have well-defined constructors - but the `m_minimum_overlap` variable is an `int`, which has no default constructor - the memory corresponding to our `int` is simply left as-is: uninitialised - whatever value was already present at that memory location simply remains there -- - ... unless we have a provided a default value using [in-class member initialisation]( – which we have! --- # The *implicit* default constructor ``` #pragma once #include "fragments.h" class ShotgunSequencer { public: void init (const std::vector
& fragments); bool iterate (); void check_remaining_fragments (); const std::vector
& remaining_fragments() const { return m_fragments; } const std::string& sequence () const { return m_sequence; } private: const int m_minimum_overlap = 10; std::string m_sequence; std::vector
m_fragments; }; ``` -- .explain-top[ The implicit default constructor will: - set the value of `m_minimum_overlap` to 10 - initialise `m_sequence` using the default constructor for `std::string` (zero length) - initialise `m_fragments` using the default constructor for `std::vector
` (also zero length) ] --- # Specifying the default constructor If the implicit default constructor is sufficient for your needs, great! But what if we wanted to allow different values for the minimum overlap? - if `m_minimum_overlap` is to stay `const`, we need to do this in the constructor -- ⇒ Let's start by declaring an explicit default constructor: - we'll add an argument to set the minimum overlap later ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: * ShotgunSequencer () : * m_minimum_overlap (10) { } ... private: * const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` -- Let's unpack what is going on here... --- # Specifying the default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: `ShotgunSequencer` () : m_minimum_overlap (10) { } ... private: const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` Constructors are declared like regular methods, but: - we use the name of the class - with no return type --- # Specifying the default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ShotgunSequencer `()` : m_minimum_overlap (10) { } ... private: const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` Since this is the *default* constructor, it takes no arguments - we can also have constructors that accept arguments, but they are then no longer *default* constructors --- # Specifying the default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ShotgunSequencer () `:` `m_minimum_overlap (10)` { } ... private: const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` We can then (optionally) initialise member variables using [list initialisation]( - this can be used to *construct* member variables with non-default values - here, we only need to construct `m_minimum_overlap` – the other variables can be default-constructed -- This is done before the body of the constructor - using a colon followed by a comma-separated list - any member that requires non-default construction is listed with its constructor arguments in brackets - members should be initialised in the same order as listed in the class declaration --- # Specifying the default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ShotgunSequencer () : m_minimum_overlap (10) `{ }` ... private: const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` This is followed by the body of the constructor, in braces - in our case, we do not need to take any further action, so we leave the body empty - note in this case, we have also defined our constructor within the class declaration - it will implicitly be `inline` --- # Specifying the default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: * ShotgunSequencer (); ... private: const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` In `shotgun_sequencer.cpp`: ``` * ShotgunSequencer::ShotgunSequencer () : * m_minimum_overlap (10 { } ``` If you need to define the constructor *outside* the class declaration, note that: - the fully-qualified name of the constructor is `ClassName::ClassName` - we declare the constructor (`ClassName`) method within the scope of the `ClassName` class - the initialiser list goes with the *definition* – not the *declaration* --- # Specifying the default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ShotgunSequencer () : m_minimum_overlap (10) { } ... private: * const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` Note that we no longer need to specify a default value for `m_minimum_overlap` when declaring it - there is no point since this variable will now be initialised in the constructor - the value specified in the constructor will take precedence --- # Initialiser list or body of constructor? ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: * ShotgunSequencer () { m_minimum_overlap = 10; } ... private: const int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` Rather than use an initialiser list, we might want to set the value of member variables in the body of the constructor -- This is not possible here, since `m_minimum_overlap` is already `const` within the body of the constructor!
⇒ we *have* to use a list initialiser for `const` members --- # Initialiser list or body of constructor? ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: * ShotgunSequencer () { m_minimum_overlap = 10; } ... private: int m_minimum_overlap; ... }; ``` This would be possible if `m_minimum_overlap` was not `const` - and for simple data types like `int`, this would make no difference -- However, in many cases this is not so efficient - all members need to be constructed *before* the body of the constructor is executed - there will be cases where the default constructor performs operations that are then immediately negated by the subsequent assignment in the body of the constructor ⇒ always prefer list initialisation where possible --- # Specifying a non-default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ShotgunSequencer () : m_minimum_overlap (10) { } * ShotgunSequencer (int minimum_overlap) : * m_minimum_overlap (minimum_overlap) { } ... }; ``` We can define other constructors - this relies on [function overloading]( -- Function overloading refers to the declaration of multiple functions with the same name, but with different arguments - the *number* of arguments may be different - the *type* of the arguments may be different - the compiler must be able to unambiguously figure out which function overload to use based on the arguments provided --- # Specifying a non-default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: * ShotgunSequencer () : m_minimum_overlap (10) { } * ShotgunSequencer (int minimum_overlap) : m_minimum_overlap (minimum_overlap) { } ... }; ``` Here, we have: - a (default) construct with no arguments
⇒ the default value of 10 will be used for the minimum overlap - a constructor that takes a single `int` argument
⇒ the value provided will be used for the minimum overlap ⇒ no ambiguity --- # Specifying a non-default constructor ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: * ShotgunSequencer () : m_minimum_overlap (10) { } * ShotgunSequencer (int minimum_overlap) : m_minimum_overlap (minimum_overlap) { } ... }; ``` We can now use one constructor when we want to stick with the default value: ``` ShotgunSequencer solver; ``` or we can use the other constructor when we want to specify a different value: ``` ShotgunSequencer solver (5); ``` --- # Handy trick: using default arguments ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ShotgunSequencer (`int minimum_overlap = 10`) : m_minimum_overlap (minimum_overlap) { } ... }; ``` In some case, we can use [default function arguments]( to avoid the need for two separate constructors - functions arguments can be provided with default values (as shown above) - as long as they are the last argument(s) in the list - the compiler will substitute the value specified if it is not provided at the point of use -- This means we only need to define a single constructor to achieve the same functionality! -- We will see more examples of default arguments later in the course -- .explain-bottom[ Exercise: add such a constructor to your own code ] --- name: destructor # The class destructor C++ classes also have a destructor - this defines any actions that need to be performed when destroying an instance of our class - in contrast to the constructor, we can only have a *single* destructor -- If we do not declare an explicit destructor, the compiler will automatically generate it - this will invoke the destructor for each of our member variables - ... in the *reverse* order from their order in the class -- If our class contains only standard data types, this will typically be exactly what we need - no need to declare a destructor if you don't need to do something unexpected! --- # The class destructor if you need to declare a destructor, this is done in the same way as the default constructor, but with a leading tilde (`~`): ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ShotgunSequencer (); // ⇐ default constructor `~ShotgunSequencer ();` // ⇐ destructor ... }; ``` - there can only be a single destructor for each class - it takes no arguments, and has no return type - a destructor should not throw any exceptions -- We will come back to destructors later in the course, when covering [*inheritance*]( --- # Constructor chaining C++11 introduced the ability to use [*constructor chaining*]( (or *constructor delegation*) - this means one constructor can invoke another as part of its operation - this is useful to provide additional convenience constructors easily -- Let's illustrate with an example: we want to add two additional constructors - one will take an existing list of fragments to initialise the algorithm - the other will load the list of fragments from file, and use that to initialise the algorithm -- The constructor declarations should therefore look like this: ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... * ShotgunSequencer (const std::vector
& fragments, int min_overlap = 10) * ShotgunSequencer (const std::string& fragments_filename, int min_overlap = 10) ... ``` --- layout: true # Constructing from list of fragments The first constructor can be defined as: --- ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... * ShotgunSequencer (const std::vector
& fragments, * int minimum_overlap = 10) : * ShotgunSequencer (minimum_overlap) { * init (fragments); * } ... ``` --- ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... ShotgunSequencer (const std::vector
& fragments, int minimum_overlap = 10) `:` `ShotgunSequencer (minimum_overlap)` { init (fragments); } ... ``` - We can use *constructor delegation* (chaining) here to perform ensure the minimum overlap is properly initialised - this must be done within the *initialiser list* - ... as the first item in the list --- ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... ShotgunSequencer (const std::vector
& fragments, int minimum_overlap = 10) : ShotgunSequencer (minimum_overlap) { * init (fragments); } ... ``` - We can use *constructor delegation* (chaining) here to perform ensure the minimum overlap is properly initialised - this must be done within the *initialiser list* - ... as the first item in the list - The body of the constructor can then invoke our existing `.init()` method --- ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... ShotgunSequencer (const std::vector
& fragments, int minimum_overlap = 10) : `m_minimum_overlap` (minimum_overlap) { init (fragments); } ... ``` Note that technically, we could have just as easily done this without constructor chaining... --- layout: true # Constructing from name of data file The second constructor can be defined as: --- ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... ShotgunSequencer (const std::vector
& fragments, int minimum_overlap = 10) : m_minimum_overlap (minimum_overlap) { init (fragments); } * ShotgunSequencer (const std::string& filename, int minimum_overlap = 10) : * ShotgunSequencer (load_fragments (filename), minimum_overlap) { } ... ``` --- ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... ShotgunSequencer (const std::vector
& fragments, int minimum_overlap = 10) : m_minimum_overlap (minimum_overlap) { init (fragments); } ShotgunSequencer (const std::string& filename, int minimum_overlap = 10) : ShotgunSequencer (`load_fragments (filename)`, minimum_overlap) { } ... ``` We already have a `load_fragments()` function that returns a variable of type `std::vector
` ⇒ we can trivially *delegate* to the first constructor! --- layout: false # Using our new convenience constructors We can now simplify our invoking code in the `run()` function ``` ... if (args.size() < 3) throw std::runtime_error ("expected 2 arguments: input_fragments output_sequence"); * ShotgunSequencer solver (args[1]); std::cerr << "initial sequence has size " << solver.sequence().size() << "\n"; while (solver.iterate()); solver.check_remaining_fragments(); ... ``` -- .explain-bottom[ Exercise: implement and use these new constructors in your own code ] --- # Function overloading We mentioned earlier that constructors rely on function overloading [Function overloading]( can be done with regular functions, and other class member functions -- To illustrate: We want our class to have two versions of the `init()` method: - one that takes no arguments - it (re-)initialises the algorithm using the data already present in the `m_fragments` member variable - one that takes a `Fragment` argument, as is currently done -- .explain-bottom[ Exercise: implement these changes in your own code ] --- ## Possible solution In **`shotgun_sequencer.h`:** ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... void init (); void init (const std::vector
& fragments) { m_fragments = fragments; init(); } ... ``` In **`shotgun_sequencer.cpp`:** ``` void ShotgunSequencer::init () { if (debug::verbose) fragment_statistics (m_fragments); m_sequence = extract_longest_fragment (m_fragments); } ``` --- # Exercise Add `.load()` and `.save()` methods to the `ShotgunSequencer` class For the `.load()` method: - this should read the input fragments from file, and use them to initialise the algorithm - this should take the filename of the input file as an argument - it does not need to return anything For the `.save()` method: - this should write the final estimated sequence to file - this should take the filename of the output file as an argument - it does not need to return anything --- # Possible solution In **`shotgun_sequencer.h`:** ``` class ShotgunSequencer { public: ... void load (const std::string& fragments_filename) { init (load_fragments (fragments_filename)); } void save (const std::string& output_filename) const { write_sequence (output_filename, m_sequence); } ... ``` Use in **`shotgun.cpp`:** ``` ... solver.check_remaining_fragments(); * (args[2]); } ``` --- # Final touches to DNA shotgun sequencing project Our project is more or less complete! There is one final polishing touch to add: The functionality in `overlap.h` & `overlap.cpp` is not needed anywhere else. We have taken the design decision to *encapsulate* this functionality within our `ShotgunSequencer` class. -- To do this, we are going to shift the functionality in the functions currently declared in `overlap.h` to *private methods* of our `ShotgunSequencer` class - they will be available for use for our algorithm, but only from within our class methods - we can then remove the `overlap.h` & `overlap.cpp` files from the project ⇒ this type of modification is called [code refactoring]( --- class: section name: exercises # Exercises --- # Exercises Move the functionality in `overlap.h` & `overlap.cpp` into private methods of the `ShotgunSequencer` class